[Learn Korean E27] “(으)로”, “아/어 주세요” Can you do it (for me)?

안녕하세요! 토미입니다.
Let’s have fun learning an entertaining language, Korean!

The theme of today’s class is【펜을 빌려주시겠어요?】“Can you lend me a pen?”

Today, you will learn [-(으)로] “to” and [아/어 주시겠어요? 아/어 주세요] “Can you do it (for me)?”

After completing today’s class, you can politely ask someone to do a favor for you, such as “Can you take a picture for me?” That sounds so useful, right?

Let’s survive this elementary course, get the highest grade on TOPIK, and be a super master of Korean!

그럼 시작할게요!

Listen to the Conversation

Today’s theme is 【펜을 빌려주시겠어요?】 “Can you lend me a pen?”

Tammy and Sangmin seem to have arrived at a test center, but Tammy is having a little trouble.
What’s going on?
Let’s listen to the conversation together with English subtitles.

그럼 들어보세요!

  • 토미:펜을 좀 빌려주시겠어요? 제가 필통을 지하철 안에서 잃어버렸어요.
    Tammy:Can you lend me a pen for a moment? I lost my pencil case in the subway.
  • 상민:네. 이거 쓰세요. 혹시 더 필요한 것 있으세요?
    Sangmin:Yes. Please use this. Is there anything else you need by any chance?
  • 토미:정말 고마워요. 저는 이제 시험장으로 갈게요.
    Tammy:Thank you so much. I will go to the test center now.
  • 상민:토미 씨, 시험에는 수정 테이프도 필요해요. 제가 오늘 두 개 가져왔어요.
    Sangmin:Tammy, you also need a correction tape for the test. I brought two today.
  • 토미:그럼 수정테이프도 빌려주세요.
    Tammy:Then, please lend me the correction tape as well.
  • 상민:네. 여기요. 시험 잘 보세요. 화이팅입니다!
    Sangmin:Yes. Here you go. Good luck with your exam. I hope you get a good score!

Vocabulary and Phrases

In this section, I will explain the vocabulary and phrases while reviewing the conversation one sentence at a time.

  • 토미:펜을 좀 빌려주시겠어요? 제가 필통을 지하철 안에서 잃어버렸어요.
[펜] means “pen.”
The pronunciation is pretty much the same with English, right?

Let’s also learn how to say other stationeries.
[가위] is “scissors,” [칼] is “utility knife,” [샤프] is “mechanical pencil,” [연필] is “pencil,” and [연필깎이] is “pencil sharpener.”

[잃어버리다] means “to end up losing.”
If I say, [제가 지갑을 잃어버렸어요.], it means “I ended up losing my wallet.”

  • 상민:네. 이거 쓰세요. 혹시 더 필요한 것 있으세요?

[혹시] means “maybe, by chance.”
You can use this expression to say a sentence like, [혹시 박 부장님 부인이세요?] “By any chance, are you Director Park’s wife?”

[더] means “more, further.”
For example, [한번 더] means “once more.” [하나 더] means “one more.”

[필요하다] means “to need.”
[불고기에는 불이 필요합니다.] means “You need fire for Bulgogi.”
This phrase [혹시 더 필요한 것 있으세요?] “Is there anything else you need by any chance?” is often used in business or daily conversation.

  • 토미:정말 고마워요. 저는 이제 시험장으로 갈게요.
  • 상민:토미 씨, 시험에는 수정 테이프도 필요해요. 제가 오늘 두 개 가져왔어요.
  • 토미:그럼 수정테이프도 빌려주세요.

[수정테이프] is a “correction tape.”
So, if someone says [수정 테이프 주세요] means “Please, give me a correction tape.”

  • 상민:네. 여기요. 시험 잘 보세요. 화이팅입니다!

[여기요] means “Here it is.”
You can use this phrase when you give something to others.

The phrase [시험 잘 보세요] means “Good luck with your test.”

[화이팅] came from “fighting spirit” in English, but Koreans like the way [화이팅] sounds.
So, they often use it to say “Good luck.”
As you can see in this example sentence, [화이팅입니다!] gives the nuance of “I hope you get a good score!”


(으)로 “to”

When I first started learning Korean, [(으)로] gave me so much headache because this [(으)로] has several meanings.

At first, I just understood the concept, but after that as I read and listened to example sentences many times, I gradually got used to it.

Today, I will introduce the four major uses briefly.

First, you can use it to show direction “to.”
Second, you use it to demonstrate a method “with.”
Third, you can demonstrate a qualification, “as~.”
Lastly, you can express reasons and causes such as “because of/as.”

Today, let’s focus on the first one, indicating the direction “to~.”

This grammar is pretty simple.
When the last letter of a noun has a final consonant, you use [으로], and when there is no final consonant, you use [로].

It’s the same as other particles that we have learned so far.

But, pay attention here!
The unique thing about [(으)로] is when the last letter of a noun ends with [ㄹ] final consonant, you don’t add [으로] but instead add [로] only.

Let’s take a look at them one by one.

학교로 가세요.
Please go to the school.

Here, we want to indicate the direction “to the school.”
Since [학교]”school” does not have a final consonant, you add [로] to say [학교로] “to the school.”

Next, let’s take a look at a phrase in the conversation.

저는 이제 시험장으로 갈게요.
I will go to the test center now.

[시험장] a “test center” has [ㅇ] final consonant, so you add [으로] to say [시험장으로] “to a test center.”


[여행은 브라질(    ) 갈 거예요.] I am thinking of going to Brazil for my trip.

(1)로 (2)으로

The answer is (1).
Here, we want to say “to Brazil.”
[브라질] has [ㄹ] final consonant, so you add [으로] to say [브라질으로], which would be the correct answer, but… wait!
The word [브라질] has [ㄹ] final consonant.
So, you just need to add [로] only and the answer is [브라질로] “to Brazil.”

The whole sentence should be [여행은 브라질(로) 갈 거예요.]

아/어 주세요

The last grammar is [아/어 주세요] “please do something.”
If you want to make it extra polite, you can also say [아/어 주시겠어요?].

To do this, you just need to remove [요] from the [요 form] and add [주세요] instead.

사인해 주세요.
Please give me an autograph.

[사인하다] is “to write an autograph.”
The [요 form] is [사인해요].
You remove [요] from this and add [주세요] instead to say [사인해 주세요.] “Please give me an autograph.”

펜을 좀 빌려주시겠어요?
Can you lend me a pen for a moment?

[빌려주다] “to lend” has [주다] in the word.
So, you just need to change [주다] to [주시겠어요?].
The sentence should be [빌려 주시겠어요? ] You can also say [빌려 주세요] for more casual expression.


[이 색깔을 (          ).] Please change this color.

(1)바꿔 주세요 (2)바꿨어요

The answer is (1).
[바꾸다] is “to change.”
The [요 form] of [바꾸다] is [바꿔요], so you remove [요] and add [주세요] to say [바꿔 주세요].

The whole sentence should be [이 색깔을 (바꿔 주세요).]

Conversation (Korean only)

Let’s listen to the conversation again only in Korean.
I am sure you will hear more Koean words and grammar than in the beginning.

그럼 확인해 보세요!

  • 토미:펜을 좀 빌려주시겠어요? 제가 필통을 지하철 안에서 잃어버렸어요.
  • 상민:네. 이거 쓰세요. 혹시 더 필요한 것 있으세요?
  • 토미:정말 고마워요. 저는 이제 시험장으로 갈게요.
  • 상민:토미 씨, 시험에는 수정 테이프도 필요해요. 제가 오늘 두 개 가져왔어요.
  • 토미:그럼 수정테이프도 빌려주세요.
  • 상민:네. 여기요. 시험 잘 보세요. 화이팅입니다!

Conversation Practice

It is time to practice reading it out loud.
The more you practice, the more naturally you can speak! So, let’s finish strong!

그럼 큰소리로 읽어 보세요!

  • 토미:펜을 좀 빌려주시겠어요? 제가 필통을 지하철 안에서 잃어버렸어요.
    Tammy:Can you lend me a pen for a moment? I lost my pencil case in the subway.
  • 상민:네. 이거 쓰세요. 혹시 더 필요한 것 있으세요?
    Sangmin:Yes. Please use this. Is there anything else you need by any chance?
  • 토미:정말 고마워요. 저는 이제 시험장으로 갈게요.
    Tammy:Thank you so much. I will go to the test center now.
  • 상민:토미 씨, 시험에는 수정 테이프도 필요해요. 제가 오늘 두 개 가져왔어요.
    Sangmin:Tammy, you also need a correction tape for the test. I brought two today.
  • 토미:그럼 수정테이프도 빌려주세요.
    Tammy:Then, please lend me the correction tape as well.
  • 상민:네. 여기요. 시험 잘 보세요. 화이팅입니다!
    Sangmin:Yes. Here you go. Good luck with your exam. I hope you get a good score!


Homework time! I will give you two homework assignments.
For the first homework, please make two sentences using today’s grammar.

For the first sentence, use [(으)로] to tell me about your plans for going out in the future.

  • 저는 다음 주말에 코스모스 공원으로 갈 거예요.
    I am going to Cosmos Park next weekend.

For the second sentence, use [아/어 주세요] to ask for a favor of someone politely.

  • 사장님, 보너스 좀 올려 주세요.
    Boss, please give me more bonus.

The second homework is memorizing vocabulary.
Please memorize 40 words from #681 to #720 on page 9 of the Elementary Vocabulary List.
You can take a vocabulary quiz for FREE on my website, so please check it out.

That’s it for today!
그럼 오늘도 행복 가득, 웃음 가득한 하루 되세요! 한국어 화이팅, 화이팅, 화이팅!!

Vocabulary Test : 40 Questions

There will be 40 multiple choice questions in total displayed in random order, testing on Vocabulary #681~720 from the Beginner Level Vocabulary List.
Share your Quiz result through Twitter!