[Learn Korean I41] ” -는 대신(에)”, ”-(으)ㄴ 덕분에”, ”-는 바람에”

안녕하세요. 토미입니다.
Let’s run as fast as we can to the goal today!
The grammar we will learn is first, -는 대신(에), “instead of ~”; second, -(으)ㄴ 덕분에 “thanks to ~ing”; and finally, -는 바람에 “because/as a result ~.”

If you learn today’s grammar,

급하게 먹는 바람에 체했어요.
Because I ate in a hurry, my stomach was upset.

Like this, although it is the word 바람, it doesn’t mean “wind”!

Did you notice this?

It is the grammar that translates as “because ~.”

This kind of expression is just like an intermediate level.

Let’s master the unique intermediate grammar, pass TOPIK II Level 4, and master of intermediate Korean!

You all can achieve it!

그럼 시작할게요!

– 는 대신(에)

The first grammar, -는 대신(에) means “instead of ~” and you attach it to verbs and nouns.

First, for verbs, you attach -는 대신에 to a stem.

For example,

가다 “to go” will be 가는 대신에 “instead of going.”

먹다 “to eat” will be 먹는 대신에 “instead of eating.”

For nouns, you attach 대신에 after a noun.

For example,

당신 “you” will be 당신 대신에 “instead of you.”

친구 “a friend” will be 친구 대신에 “instead of a friend.”


Now, let’s read a sample sentence.

요새는 아침에 밥을 먹는 대신에 과일과 요구르트를 먹고 있어요.
Lately, I have been eating fruit and yogurt instead of rice for breakfast.

Here, 먹다 is “to eat.” You add 는 대신에 to the stem to make 먹는 대신에 “instead of eating.” Let’s look at the following sample sentence.

눈에 피로가 쌓여 있다면 렌즈를 끼는 대신에 안경을 써 보세요.
If your eyes are tired, try wearing glasses instead of contact lenses.

Here, 렌즈를 끼다 means “to wear contact lenses.” You add 는 대신에 to the stem to make 렌즈를 끼는 대신에 “instead of wearing contact lenses.” Ok? Let’s move on to the next one.

다친 선수 대신에 경기에 출전할 사람이 필요해요.
Instead of an injured player, we need someone to play in the game.

Here, 선수 is a “player.” You add 대신에 to make 선수 대신에 “instead of a player.”


Then, let’s deepen our understanding with some quizzes. Which one is the correct answer?

제 일은 주말에 (                  ) 수요일, 목요일에 쉬어요.
My job is off on Wednesdays and Thursdays instead of working on the weekends.

(1)출근하는 대신에 (2)출근한 대신에

The correct answer is number one. 출근하다 is “to work.” You add 는 대신에 to the stem to make 출근하는 대신에 “instead of working.” Now let’s read it together!

제 일은 주말에 (출근하는 대신에) 수요일, 목요일에 쉬어요.

Please repeat it several times, as if you are talking to your friend. Okay, let’s look at the following quiz!

요새는 밤에 (                     ) 한국어 공부를 하고 있어요.
Recently, instead of drinking alcohol, I have been studying Korean.

(1)술 대신에 (2) 술을 마시는 대신에

The correct answer is number two.

술을 마시다 is “to drink (alcohol).”

You add -는 대신에 to the stem to make 술을 마시는 대신에 “instead of drinking alcohol.”

Number one is close but wrong because 술 대신에 means “instead of alcohol.”

You want to say “Instead of drinking alcohol.” OK?

Now let’s read it together!

요새는 밤에 (술을 마시는 대신에) 한국어 공부를 하고 있어요.

It’s great that you have an attitude to learn Korean!

– (으)ㄴ 덕분에

The second grammar, – (으)ㄴ 덕분에, means “thanks to ~ing.”

-(으)ㄴ 덕분에 and -(으)ㄴ 덕에 are the same meanings.

So, remember them together!

To conjugate verbs, you use the past tense of a noun modifier.

So, it is going to be -(으)ㄴ 덕분에 “thanks to -ing.”

For example, 가다 “to go” will be 간 덕분에 “thanks to going.”

먹다 “to eat” will be 먹은 덕분에 “thanks to eating.”

For adjectives, you use -(으)ㄴ 덕분에.

However, you usually conjugate this grammar with verbs.

For nouns, you add 덕분에 directly to a noun.

You can say like 선생님 덕분에 “thanks to my teacher” or 친구 덕분에 “thanks to my friend.”

Oh, such heartwarming grammar!! I love it!

Now, let’s read a sample sentence.

어렸을 때부터 미국에서 생활한 덕분에 나는 영어를 자연스럽게 할 수 있게 되었다.
Since I was young, thanks to having lived in the U.S., I was able to speak English naturally.

In this sentence, 생활하다 is “to live.”

Since this verb does not have a final consonant, you add -ㄴ 덕분에 to the stem to make 생활한 덕분에 “thanks to having lived.”

Let’s look at the next sentence.

날씨가 선선한 덕분에 여행을 갈 수 있었어요.
Thanks to the cool weather, I was able to travel.

Weather is certainly an important factor when traveling. Right?

Here, 선선하다 “to be cool” is an adjective without a final consonant.

Therefore, you add ㄴ 덕분에 to make 날씨가 선선한 덕분에 “thanks to the cool weather.”

Let’s see the last example!

제 와이프 덕분에 지금까지 제가 계속 연구할 수 있었어요.
Thanks to my wife, I was able to continue my research until now.

It’s such a comforting sentence.

Here, 와이프 means “a wife.”

Since it is a noun, you add 덕분에 directly to make 와이프 덕분에 “thanks to my wife.”

Please, use 덕분에 often in your life like this sentence!!


Then, let’s deepen our understanding with some quizzes. Which one is the correct answer?

친구가 한국어를 (                       ) 이제는 능숙하게 대화할 수 있게 되었어요.
Thanks to my friends who taught me Korean, I can now converse well.

(1)가르쳐 준 덕분에 (2) 공부한 덕에

The correct answer is number one. First, 가르쳐 주다 is “to teach (someone).”

Since this is a verb without a final consonant, you add -ㄴ 덕분에 to make 가르쳐 준 덕분에 “thanks for (my friend who) taught me.”

Number two is wrong because 공부한 덕에 means “thanks to studying.”

It is different from the text.

Now let’s read it together!

친구가 한국어를 (가르쳐 준 덕분에) 이제는 능숙하게 대화할 수 있게 되었어요.

Wow!!! That’s the power of friendship!

Now let’s look at the next quiz!

직장 선배가 친절하게 (                 ) 회사를 그만두지 않고 힘낼 수 있었어요.
Thanks to my senior who was so kind to me, I could keep working hard without quitting the company.

(1)대해 주는 탓에 (2) 대해 준 덕분에

The correct answer is number two. 친절하게 대해 주다 is “to treat (someone) kindly.”

Since this is a verb that does not have a final consonant, you add ㄴ 덕분에 to the stem to make 친절하게 대해 준 덕분에 “thanks to treating me well.”

Number one 대해 준 탓에 means completely opposite from 대해 준 덕분에.

It is an expression to blame someone as “because you treat me well.”

As you can see, pointing at someone nice to you is very strange.

Now let’s read them together!

직장 선배가 친절하게 (대해 준 덕분에) 회사를 그만두지 않고 힘낼 수 있었어요.

Please try to imagine the scene you are thankful for and read it several times.

– 는 바람에

Last, but not least!! let’s look at the grammar, -는 바람에 “because / as a result ~.”

Unlike the heart-warming 덕분에 “thanks to,” which we learned earlier, you use -는 바람에 to state an unexpected reason for a negative consequence.

How to conjugate is that you add -는 바람에 to the present tense of a verb.

For example,

가다 “to go” will be 가는 바람에 “because I go.”

먹다 “to eat” will be 먹는 바람에 “because I eat.”

It is the present tense in Korean; however, it can often be translated into the past tense in English.

Now, let’s read a sample sentence to see how a speaker is using 는 바람에 for a negative consequence.

요새 매일 같이 인터넷 쇼핑하는 바람에 돈이 거의 없어요.
Lately, I have very little money because of my daily online shopping.

In this sentence, 인터넷 쇼핑하다 is “to do online shopping.”

You add 는 바람에 to the stem to make 인터넷 쇼핑하는 바람에 “because of online shopping.”

Unfortunately, this speaker has very little money, right?

That’s why he is using 는 바람에. OK?

Let’s see what the negative event is next!

무역회사는 요즘 한일 간의 환율 시장이 흔들리는 바람에 큰 타격을 입고 있다.
Lately, trading firms have been seriously affected by the unstable currency markets in Japan and Korea.

It looks like news, doesn’t it?

Here, 환율시장이 흔들리다 means “the currency market is shaking(=unstable).”

You add 는 바람에 to the stem to make 흔들리는 바람에 “as a result of shaking(=unstable).”

Let’s move on to the following sentence!

It looks like another unfortunate thing also happened.

친구한테 교과서를 빌려주는 바람에 오늘은 교과서 없이 수업을 들었어요.
Because I lent my textbook to my friend, I had a class without it today.

This speaker did a good thing for his friend, but the result was disappointing.

Here, 빌려주다 is “to lend.”

You add -는 바람에 to the stem to make 빌려주는 바람에 “because I lent ~.”

It is in the present tense in Korean, but when translated into English, it is often in the past tense like “because I lent my textbook to my friend.”


Then, let’s deepen our understanding with some quizzes. Which one is the correct answer?

친구가 약속시간을 안 (                          ) 결국 비행기를 못 탔어요.
Because the ghosts often haunt the house, the price of the house plummeted.

(1) 지키는 바람에 (2)지킨 덕에

The correct answer is number one.

약속 시간을 안 지키다 means “not to keep the appointed time.”

You add 는 바람에 to the stem to make 안 지키는 바람에 “because my friend didn’t keep the appointed time,”

Oh, no! You should keep your promise to your friend, right?

Number two 지킨 덕에 is wrong because it means “thanks for keeping the appointed time.”

You use this grammar to state a reason for a positive result.

Now, let’s read it together in a huff!

친구가 약속시간을 안 (지키는 바람에) 결국 비행기를 못 탔어요.

It’s terrible when something like this happens.

The following quiz is another scary example!

Let’s take a look!

그 집은 유령이 자주 (                  ) 바람에 집 값이 폭락했다.

Because the ghosts often haunt the house, the price of the house plummeted.

(1)나가는 (2)나오는

The correct answer is number two.

It’s very scary that a ghost haunts a house.

Here, 유령이 나오다 directly means “ghosts appear.”

You use 는 바람에 to the stem to make 유령이 나오는 바람에 “because ghosts appear.”

In other words, “the house is haunted by ghosts.”

Number one is close but wrong.

Because 나가는 means “to go out.”

Now, it’s so spooky, but let’s read it together!

그 집은 유령이 자주 (나오는) 바람에 집 값이 폭락했다.

Let’s read it until you can say it naturally!


Okay!! Now, I will introduce a short saying.

“때문에”라고 말하는 것보다

“덕분에”라고 말하며 살자!

Rather than saying “because”
Let’s live by saying “thanks to!”

Such a wonderful saying, right?

I hope you live your life full of “덕분에,” Okay?

Now, here’s your homework!

There are two homework assignments.

First, please compose three sentences using the grammar you have learned today.

For the first sentence, try to use -는 대신(에) “instead of ~.”

For example,

오늘은 집에서 밥을 먹는 대신에 외식해요!
Today, let’s go out for dinner instead of eating at home!

For the second sentence, write a heartwarming sentence using -는 덕분에 “thanks to ~.”

For example,

당신이 항상 곁에 있어 준 덕분에 행복했어요.
I was happy, thanks to you who were always there for me.

It is touching, isn’t it?

For the third sentence, try to make a pessimistic sentence using -는 바람에 “because/as a result ~.”

For example,
눈이 많이 오는 바람에 지하철이 지연됐어요.
Because of lots of snow, the train was delayed.

Please write them all in the comment section!

I’m excited to see what thoughtful examples you all come up with!

The second homework is to memorize new words.

Please memorize the forty words from number 1601 to number 1640 on page 21 in the intermediate vocabulary list.

My website has a vocabulary quiz of forty words, so feel free to try it.

The link is in the description box.

That’s all for today!

저는 여러분 덕분에 항상 행복해요.
I am always happy thanks to you guys!

수업 정말 수고 많았어요!!

그럼 오늘도 행복 가득, 웃음 가득한 하루 되세요!
한국어 화이팅, 화이팅, 화이팅!!

Vocabulary Test : 40 Questions

There will be 40 multiple choice questions in total displayed in random order, testing on Vocabulary #1601~1640 from the Intermediate Level Vocabulary List.