[Learn Korean I47] ” -다시피 ”, ” -더군요”, ”-았/었으면”

안녕하세요! 토미입니다.

Let’s work on learning Korean today!

Today’s grammar is first -다시피 “as you (see, know…),” second -더군요 “I directly saw/ heard/ felt that~.” and third, -았/었으면 하다 “I would be grateful if (sub) would do.”

If you learn today’s grammar, you will be able to use expressions like this:

너도 알다시피 상혁 씨는 까다로운 사람이야.
As you know, Sanghyuk is a difficult person.

You will be able to use introductory expressions such as “as you know” or “as you see.”

Let’s make sure to use such detailed expressions, pass TOPIK II level 4, and become super intermediate masters! You can achieve it for sure!

그럼 시작할게요!

– 다시피

Let’s look at the very first grammar, -다시피!

Dashipi sounds very similar to Mississippi!!


Anyway, -다시피 means “as you (see, know…).”

You mainly use it to ask for the other person’s agreement on a certain fact you are about to share.

To apply this grammar, you attach 다시피 to a verb stem.

You can use the present and past tense of verbs. The past tense will be -았/었다시피.


V Past Present
-았/었다시피 -다시피

In addition, you use this with verbs related to human perception or senses such as 보다 “to see,” 듣다 “to hear,” and 알다 “to know.”

Therefore, 보다 “to see” will become 보다시피 “as you can see.”

듣다 “to hear” will become 듣다시피 “as you can hear.”

알다 “to know” will be 알다시피 “as you know.”

Crystal Clear?

You use these expressions very often, so please remember them.

Also, there is an expression -다시피 하다, which means “almost seems to be/is likely to be.” Note that this meaning is different from just 다시피. OK?

Now, let’s read a sample sentence.

지금 보시다시피 이 카페는 항상 사람들이 많이 있어요.
As you can see now, this cafe is always full of people.

Here, 보시다 is the honorific form of 보다 “to see.” You attach 다시피 to the stem to make 보시다시피 “as you can see.” Wow! This is Easy Peasy!!
Let’s take a look at the next example.

너도 알다시피 유학하기 위해서는 준비해야 할 것들이 많아.
As you know, there are many things you need to prepare to study abroad.

Here, 알다 is “to know.” You attach 다시피 to the stem to make 알다시피 “as you know.”

Next, let’s look at an example in the past tense.

뉴스에서 들으셨다시피 지금 세계에서는 한국 드라마 인기가 상당히 높습니다.
As you have heard from the news, Korean dramas are quite popular in the world now.

Here, 들으시다 “to hear” is the honorific form.

You change it to the past tense 들으셨다 “to have heard” and attach 다시피 to the stem to make 들으셨다시피 “as you have heard.”

Let’s look at another example in the past tense.
이미 경험했다시피 공부하지 않고 시험에 합격하는 것은 불가능합니다.
As you already experienced, it is impossible to pass the exam without studying.

Here, 경험하다 is ”to experience.” Its past tense is 경험했다, right?

You attach 다시피 to the stem to make 경험했다시피 “as you experienced.”

Next, let’s look at the expression 다시피 하다 “almost seem to ~.”

Note that this meaning will be completely different from 다시피.

제가 운영하는 떡볶이 가게는 2년 전에 거의 망하다시피 했어요.
The Tteokbokki restaurant that I run almost went bankrupt two years ago.

Here, 망하다 is “to go bankrupt.”

You attach 다시피 하다 to the stem to make 망하다시피 하다 “almost went bankrupt.”

As you can see from this sentence, you have to be careful with 다시피 하다 because it changes the meaning. OK?


Then, let’s deepen our understanding with some quizzes.

Which one is the correct answer?

1.여러분들도 이미 ( ) 지구온난화 문제는 심각한 수준에 이르렀습니다.
As you all know, the problem of global warming has already reached a serious level.

(1)아시다시피 (2)아신다시피




The correct answer is number one.

This example sentence might appear in a TV program, right?

Here, 아시다 “to know” is the honorific form of 알다.

You add -다시피 to the stem to make 아시다시피 “as you know.”

Number two 아신다시피 is a wrong conjugation. You just attach 다시피 to a verb stem. OK?

Now let’s read it together!

여러분들도 이미 (아시다시피) 지구온난화 문제는 심각한 수준에 이르렀습니다.

Please try to read it as if you were the anchor!

Now, let’s look at the next quiz!

2. 요새 야근이 많아서 회사에 거의 ( ) 하고 있어요.
I’ve been working a lot of overtime lately, so I almost live in the office.

(1)사다시피 (2)살다시피




The correct answer is number two.

살다 is “to live.”

You attach -다시피 하다 to the stem to make 살다시피 하다 “to almost live in.”

Number one 사다시피 is close, but wrong because 사다시피 means “almost buy.”

It does not match with the text.

Now let’s read it together!

요새 야근이 많아서 회사에 거의 (살다시피) 하고 있어요.

Please read it with tired feelings.

– 더군요

The second grammar, -더군요, means “I directly saw/ heard/ felt that~.”

This grammar is the combination of 더, which has the meaning of recollection, and 군요, which has the meaning of surprise.

Thus, it is an expression of surprise about something newly noticed or understood by some direct experience in the past.

You use -더군요 with verbs, adjectives, and nouns.

For verbs, you add -더군요 to verb stems.

For example, 가다 will be 가더군요 “I saw (someone) go.” 먹다 will be 먹더군요 “I saw  (someone) eat.”

Now, let’s read a sample sentence.

이전에는 몰랐는데 이 선생님은 매운 음식도 먹을 수 있더군요.
I didn’t know this before, but I realized teacher Lee can also eat spicy food.

Here, 먹을 수 있다 means “can eat.”

You attach 더군요 to the stem to make 먹을 수 있더군요 “can eat.”

You can feel the surprise, can’t you?

Let’s look at the next example.

어제 길에서 우연히 아이돌을 봤는데 정말 잘 생겼더군요.
I happened to see an idol in town yesterday, and I noticed he is really cool.

Here, 잘 생겼다 is “to be cool.”

You attach 더군요 to the stem to make 잘 생겼더군요 “(I noticed he) is cool.”

You can express what happened yesterday with surprise.

Let’s look at the next example.

날씨가 따뜻해져서 근처 공원에 가 봤더니 이미 꽃들이 많이 피었더군요.
The weather got warmer, and I went to a park in my neighborhood and found a lot of flowers blooming already.

Here, 피다 is “to bloom.”

This past tense is?3  2  1

피었다 Yes!!

You attach 더군요 to the stem to make 피었더군요 “(I found) ~ flowers blooming.”

Let’s look at the following example.

제가 비즈니스 때문에 한국에 가는데 서울 겨울은 정말로 춥더군요.
I go to Korea for business, and I noticed it’s really cold in Seoul in winter.

Here,춥다 is “to be cold.” You attach 더군요 to the stem to make 춥더군요 “I noticed it’s cold.”

Let’s also look at the next example.

한국 주가가 일본보다 더 심하게 변하더군요.
I realized the stock prices in Korea are changing even more greatly than in Japan.

Here, 변하다 is “to change.”

You attach 더군요 to the stem to make 변하더군요 “I realized~ are changing.”


Then, let’s deepen our understanding with some quizzes.

Which one is the correct answer?

제가 출석 기록을 봤는데, 그 사람이 결석하는 것은 이번 뿐만이 ( )
I looked at the attendance record, and I recognized this was not the only time he was absent.

(1) 아니더군요     (2)않더군요




The correct answer is number one.

이번 뿐만이 아니다 means “this is not the only time.”

You attach 더군요 to the stem to make 이번 뿐만이 아니더군요 “I recognized this was not the only time.”

It means that you have recognized something new.

Number two 않더군요 is wrong because you don’t use 않다 alone.

You always use -지 않다. OK?

Now let’s read it together!

제가 출석 기록을 봤는데, 그 사람이 결석하는 것은 이번 뿐만이 (아니더군요).

Please try to read it as if you are telling the other person.

Now, let’s look at the next quiz!

제가 그 회사에 몇 번이나 항의했지만 결국 아무 답변도 ( )
I protested to that company many times, but in the end, I noticed they didn’t give me any answer.

(1)하더군요    (2)해 주지 않더군요




The correct answer is number two.

Here, 해 주지 않다 means “doesn’t give.” You attach 더군요 to the stem to make 해주지 않더군요 “I noticed they didn’t give.”

Number two, 하더군요 means “I noticed (they) did.” It does not match with the text.

Now, let’s read it together!

제가 그 회사에 몇 번이나 항의했지만 결국 아무 답변도 (해 주지 않더군요).

Please read it with disappointment.

-았/었으면 하다

The last grammar, -았/었으면 하다 means “I wish (sub) would do, I want (sub) to do, I would be grateful if (sub) would do,” which expresses a desire or hope.

Do you remember you learned -고 싶다 “I want to do~” at the beginner level?

It expresses things clearly and straightforwardly.

On the other hand, you use -았/었으면 하다 to convey things gently, like “I would be happy if (sub) do.” Do you get it?

To apply this grammar, you attach 았/었으면 하다 to a verb stem.

For example, 가다 will be 갔으면 하다 “I wish (sub) would go.”

먹다 will be 먹었으면 하다 “I wish (sub) would eat.”

You can also use 아/어 줬으면 하다 to convey the message even more softly.

As long as you can form the basic past tense, you can easily compose sentences.

Now, let’s read a sample sentence.

부장님께서 이 제품도 홍보했으면 하는 눈치였다.
The manager looked at me like he wanted me to publicize this product as well.

I am sure the manager glared at her with his glistening eyes. Anyway, here, 홍보했다 means “to have publicized.”

You attach 면 하다 to the stem to make 홍보했으면 하다 “he wanted me to publicize.”

Next, let’s look at an example of 아/어 줬으면 하다.

상민 씨, 콘서트 당일 날에는 조금 일찍 와 줬으면 해요.
Sangmin, I would like you to come a little earlier on the day of the concert.

Here, 와 주었다 means “to have come.”

You attach 으면 해요 to the stem to make 와 주었으면 해요 “I would like you to come.”

Can you feel the nuance that you want to ask something to the other person in a polite way?

Like this, you use it when you ask someone for a favor gently. The next example is also 아/어 줬으면 하다. Let’s take a look.

다음 번에는 실수하지 않도록 자기 업무에 신경 좀 써 줬으면 해요.
I hope you pay more attention to your work, so you don’t make mistakes next time.

Here, 신경 써 줬다 directly means “to use nerves.” What??

To use nerves?? How can I do it? You know. It is not a common expression in English.

But in Korean, it means “to pay attention, to be conscious.” OK?

You attach 으면 해요 to the stem to make 신경 써 줬으면 해요 “I wish you could pay attention.”

Let’s look at the next example.

병원에서는 환자들을 많이 안 기다리게 했으면 해요.
I hope hospitals don’t make patients wait too long.

That’s so true!! Right?

Here, 기다리게 했다 means ”kept (someone) waiting.”

You attach 으면 해요 to the stem to make 기다리게 했으면 해요.

Since you want to make a negative sentence, you add 안 to make 안 기다리게 했으면 해요 “I hope (it) could not keep (patients) waiting.”


Then, let’s deepen our understanding with some quizzes. Which one is the correct answer?

저는 오늘은 집에서 ( ) 해요.
I would like to rest at home today.

(1)쉬우면        (2)쉬었으면




The correct answer is number two.

The past tense of 쉬다 “to rest” is 쉬었다.

You attach 면 해요 to make 쉬었으면 해요 “I would like to rest.”

Number one 쉬우면 is wrong because it is the present tense.

For this grammar, you always use the past tense! Don’t forget!

Then let’s read it together!

저는 오늘은 집에서 (쉬었으면) 해요.

Please try to read it as if you’re softly expressing your opinion to your boss.

Now, let’s take a look at the following quiz!

오늘 토론회에서는 상대방을 과격하게 (   ) 해요.
In today’s debate, I wish you would not attack your opponent too hard.

(1)공격했으면 (2)공격하지 않았으면




The correct answer is number two.

The negative form of 공격하다 “to attack” is 공격하지 않다 “not to attack.” This past tense is 공격하지 않았다 “did not attack,” so you attach 으면 해요 to make 공격하지 않았으면 해요 “I wish you would not attack.”

Number one 공격했으면 해요 means “I wish you would attack,” right?

This is the opposite of what you want to say.

So, don’t choose it!

Now, let’s read it together!

오늘 토론회에서는 상대방을 과격하게 공격하지 않았으면 해요.

Please read it as if you are giving advice.


Now, I will tell you today’s saying!

당신도 알다시피
당신 있는 그대로가 매우 아름다워요.

그것을 자꾸 잊어버리는 것 같아요.
그러니 자신을 아껴 주세요.

많이 많이 사랑해 주세요.

As you know
You are so beautiful just the way you are

You seem to keep forgetting it.
So please take care of yourself.

Please love yourself more often.


Did you spot today’s grammar? I hope you did!

Now, I will announce your homework for today. There are two homework assignments. First, compose three sentences using today’s grammar.

For the first sentence, try to use -다시피 “as you (see, know…).”

For example,
알다시피 한국은 일본의 가장 가까운 이웃나라예요.
As you know, Korea is Japan’s closest neighbor.

For the second sentence, try to use -더군(요) “I directly saw/ heard/ felt that~.”
For example,

최근에 한국어 드라마를 보기 시작했는데 정말 재미있더군요.
I recently started to watch Korean dramas and I realized it is very interesting.

For the third sentence, try to use -았/었으면 하다 “I would be grateful if (sub) would do.”

For example,
우리 동생은 아주 무뚝뚝해요. 사진 찍을 때쯤은 좀 웃었으면 해요.
My brother is very blunt. I wish he would at least smile a little when he takes pictures.


So, these are the first assignments.
And the second homework is to memorize new words.

Please memorize the forty words from number 1841 to number 1880 on page 24 of the intermediate vocabulary list.

There is a vocabulary quiz of forty words on my website, so just feel free to try it.

The link is in the description box.

That is all for today. Thank you again for your hard work.

Please try to practice and use today’s grammar.
그럼 오늘도 행복 가득, 웃음 가득한 하루 되세요! 한국어 화이팅, 화이팅, 화이팅!!