안녕하세요! 토미입니다.
Let’s study Korean swiftly today!
Today’s grammar is, first, -기(를) 바라다 “hope / wish to do,” second, -고 말겠다 “will definitely do,” and third, -고자 “want to / would like to.”
If you study today’s grammar, you can express your strong will by using 고 말겠다 “will definitely do.” For example,
토픽 6급에 반드시 합격하고 말겠다!
I will definitely pass TOPIK Level 6!
Do you feel the passion burning like lava?
By learning today’s grammar, you can express your strong motivation in Korean, pass TOPIK II level 4, and become an intermediate master! You can do it, for sure!
그럼 시작할게요!
‐기(를) 바라다
The first grammar is -기(를) 바라다 “hope / wish to do.”
You use this when you wish for the other person’s change of behavior or condition.
Therefore, you don’t usually use this to refer to yourself.
You can add the participle, 를. But it is also okay to omit 를 and say -기 바라다.
When Korean people add 를, they often shorten -기를 to make 길 like 하길 바라다 “wish to do.”
Additionally, in public service announcements, you need to urge people to do something in a very polite manner. Right? So, you can use -아/어 주시기 바랍니다.
This grammar is almost sure to show up in a public service announcement. So, please pay attention next time.
Grammatical structures will be V/A +기를 바라다.
You only add -기(를) 바라다 to the stem.
Oh, it is as simple as one plus one equals two.
I like it! 좋아~ 좋아~
For example, 가다 will be 가기 바라다 “wish (for you) to go.” 먹다 will be 먹기 바라다 “wish (for you) to eat.”
Now, let’s read a sample sentence.
당신이 언제까지나 행복하기를 바랍니다.
I hope you will be happy forever.
You can use this kind of phrase in a wedding. Right?
Here, 행복하다 is “to be happy.” You add -기를 바라다 to the stem to make 행복하기를 바라다, “wish (you) will be happy.”
Since -기 바라다 is a formal expression, it sounds natural if you end the stem with -ㅂ니다
form like 바랍니다.
The following sentence is an example of a public service announcement at a concert.
콘서트에 참석하시는 분은 지금 바로 입장해 주시기 바랍니다.
If you are joining the concert, please enter as soon as possible.
Can you feel the formal nuance?
Here, 입장하다 means “to enter.” The 요 form of 입장하다 is 입장해요. You remove 요 from here, good bye 요, and add 주시기 바랍니다 to make 입장해 주시기 바랍니다, “please enter.” The following sentence is an announcement on the airplane.
비행기가 흔들릴 가능성이 있으니 안전벨트를 한번 더 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.
Since the plane may shake, please confirm once more whether you have fastened your seatbelt.
Oh, yes, yes!! I have to make sure to fasten the seatbelt.
To explain the grammar, 확인하다 means “to confirm.” The 요 form of 확인하다 is 확인해요. You remove 요 from here, good bye 요, and add 주시기 바랍니다 to make 확인해 주시기 바랍니다, “please confirm.”
Now, let’s deepen our understanding of 바랍니다 with some quizzes. Which one is the correct answer?
한국에 가서 살더라도 언제나 건강하게 ( ) 바랍니다.
Even when you live in Korea, I hope you will always be healthy.
(1)지내기 (2) 지내고
The correct answer is number one. 지내다 means “to be.” You add 기 바랍니다 to the stem to make 지내기 바랍니다, “hope you will be healthy.”
Number two, 지내고, is grammatically wrong. So, don’t choose it next time. Then, let’s read it together!
한국에 가서 살더라도 언제나 건강하게 (지내기) 바랍니다.
Please read this sentence with the feeling of wishing for the listener’s happiness. Let’s see the following quiz!
호텔을 체크아웃할 때는 꼭 룸 키를 ( ) 바랍니다.
When you check out from the hotel, please return your room key.
(1)반납해 (2)반납해 주시기
The correct answer is number two.
Here, 반납하다 is “to return.” The 요 form is 반납해요. You remove 요 from it, 잘 가 요, and you add 주시기 바랍니다 to make 반납해 주시기 바랍니다, “please return.”
Number one 반납해 is grammatically incorrect. It is always 반납해 주시기 바랍니다. OK?
Then, let’s read the sentence together!
호텔을 체크아웃할 때는 꼭 룸 키를 (반납해 주시기) 바랍니다.
Please read this sentence as if you are a hotel worker.
-고 말겠다
The second grammar is -고 말겠다, “will definitely do.” It expresses one’s enthusiasm.
Korean people frequently use this grammar with adverbs such as 꼭 “by all means” or 반드시 “certainly.” By doing so, they can convey certainty, implying something should definitely or surely happen.
When you want to use this grammar for yourself, you can say with 한다 form like 하고 말겠다!
Additionally, if you add 야 after 고, it will convey a more emphasized nuance.
For example, 하고야 말겠다 expresses huge enthusiasm like “I will definitely do this!”
The grammatical structure will be
V/A + 고 말겠다
To apply this grammar, you add 고 to the stem of a verb or an adjective. This part is straightforward, right? I love it!!
For example, 가다 will be 가고 말겠다 “I will definitely go.” 먹다 will be 먹고 말겠다 “I will definitely eat.”
Now, let’s read the sentence showing the speaker’s determination.
선생님, 내년에는 반드시 한국어 능력시험 6급에 합격하고 말겠어요.
Teacher, next year, I will definitely pass TOPIK Level 6.
Wow! I might be happy if my students said this to me in Korean.
Can you feel the strong determination from the sentence?
To explain the grammar, 합격하다 means “to pass.” You add -고 말겠다 to the verb stem to make 합격하고 말겠어요, “will definitely pass.”
The following sample sentence also shows life-changing determination.
Let’s check it out!
올해야말로 여자 친구한테 프로포즈하고 말겠다.
This year, I will certainly propose to my girlfriend.
Wow! Propose! This is so romantic!
Here, 프로포즈하다 means “to propose.” You add 고 말겠다 to the verb stem to make 프로포즈하고 말겠다, “(sub) will certainly propose.” As you can see, since this is the soliloquy, the speaker uses the 한다 form such as 프로포즈하고 말겠다.
Then let’s look at the next sentence!
저한테 이 일을 맡겨 주세요. 반드시 해내고 말겠습니다.
Let me do this job. I will certainly complete it.
Cool! This sounds like a capable office worker!! If you are working with a Korean boss, please memorize and use this sentence.
Here, 해내다 means “to complete.” You add 고 말겠다 to the verb stem to make 해내고 말겠다, “will certainly complete.”
Now, let’s deepen our understanding of the grammar, 고 말겠다 “will definitely do” with some quizzes. Which one is the correct answer?
다음 올림픽에는 반드시 금메달을 ( ) 말겠다.
For the next Olympics, I will surely win a gold medal.
(1)따서 (2)따고
The correct answer is number two. Can you feel the burning passion and determination of the athlete? Here, 금메달을 따다 means “to win a gold medal.” You add 고 말겠다 to the verb stem to make 금메달을 따고 말겠다.
Number one 따서 is grammatically wrong. So, don’t pick it.
Then, let’s read the sentence together!
다음 올림픽에는 반드시 금메달을 (따고) 말겠다.
Please read this sentence more than three times with a burning passion.
Then, let’s try the next quiz!
선수들이 기필코 이기고야 ( ) 강인한 표정을 하고 있었다.
The players had an intense look on their faces as if they were determined to win.
(1)말겠다는 (2)말겠는
This was a slightly more difficult quiz, wasn’t it? The correct answer is number one.
이기다 means “to win.” You add 고 말겠다 to the verb stem to make 이기고 말겠다 “to be determined to win.”
In addition, you add 야 to emphasize and make 이기고야 말겠다.
From here, you add 다는 “as if” to make 이기고야 말겠다는, “as if (they) were determined to win.” How is it? Did you get the answer?
Number two, 말겠는, is grammatically incorrect because 겠 and 는 cannot be together. Ok?
Then, let’s read the sentence together!
선수들이 기필코 이기고야 (말겠다는) 강인한 표정을 하고 있었다.
Don’t forget to read this sentence more than three times with full passion and energy.
The last grammar, -고자 means, “want to / would like to.” This expresses the speaker’s intention or wishes. If it is -고자 하다, it means “intend to do.”
There is a similar expression, -려고 하다. You can use 려고 in most cases where you use -고자.
But, but but!!!
There are some differences between the two. -고자 sounds more official than -려고. In other words, you use 고자 when you give a speech or presentation. For example,
지금부터 여러분과 경제에 대해 논의하고자 합니다.
Now, I would like to discuss the economy with you all.
As you can see, this is a very official presentation. So, it sounds natural to say 논의하고자 instead of 논의하려고.
Do you get the feeling?
The grammatical structure is V/A + 고자.
You add 고자 to the stem of a verb or an adjective. This is as simple as pouring hot water into a cup of noodles. I love the simple conjugation.
Now, let’s read a sample sentence.
이제 여러분과 금년 회사 전략에 대해 의견을 나눠 보고자 합니다.
I would like to exchange opinions with you regarding this year’s company strategies.
Wow!! From the sentence, I can imagine I am in an important meeting!
긴장되네요! I get nervous.
Here, 의견을 나눠 보다 means “to exchange opinions.” You add -고자 하다 to the verb stem to make 의견을 나눠 보고자 하다 “would like to exchange opinions.”
Let’s see the next example!
저는 부모님 은혜에 조금이라도 보답하고자 매일 노력하고 있습니다.
I intend to return my parents’ favor and make an effort towards it every day.
This person is very considerate of his/her parents! Right?
I also want to return my parents’ favors! Anyway, go back to the example, 보답하다 means “to reciprocate or return a favor.” You add 고자 to the verb stem to make 보답하고자 “to intend to return favors.”
You can also say 보답하려고 instead of 보답하고자 here because this sentence is not for the public setting. Then, let’s read the following sample sentence!
저는 그녀한테 인정받고자 열심히 노력했지만 잘 안됐어요.
I intended to be recognized by her and did my best, but it did not work out well.
This is a disappointing sample sentence.
Anyway, here, 인정받다 means “to be recognized.” You add 고자 to the verb stem to make 인정받고자 “to intend to be recognized.” Here, you can also say 인정 받으려고 without any problem because this is not the official speech. Then, let’s read the following sample sentence.
남자친구와 결혼하고자 한국에 가서 혼인신고를 했어요.
To intend to marry my boyfriend, I went to Korea and registered my marriage.
This sample sentence is an international marriage. Here,결혼하다 means “to marry.” You add 고자 to the verb stem to make 결혼하고자, “to intend to marry.”
결혼하려고 will also have the same meaning.
Now, let’s deepen our understanding with some quizzes. Which one is the correct answer?
다이어트를 열심히 ( ) 하는 마음만은 있어요.
I do have the heart to try hard on dieting.
(1)했고자 (2)하고자
The correct answer is number two. 다이어트를 하다 means “to diet.” You add 고자 to the verb stem to make 다이어트를 하고자, “to intend to diet”
Number one, 했고자, is incorrect because you cannot use the past tense for 고자. OK?
Now, let’s read it together!
다이어트를 열심히 (하고자) 하는 마음만은 있어요.
Please read this more than three times with empathy. Then, let’s try the following quiz!
이번 업무를 마지막 업무라 생각하여 최선을 ( ) 합니다.
I will consider this task the last and intend to do my best.
(1)다하고자 (2)다하자고
The correct answer is number one. It isn’t very clear because 다하고자 and 다하자고 are similar. Right? I wanted to trick you!! Did you get tricked?
Here, 다하다 means “to do my best.” You add -고자 to the verb stem to make 다하고자 “ intend to do my best.”
For your information, if you choose the number two, 다하자고, it will be indirect speech. So, it does not match the content. Then, let’s read the sentence together!
이번 업무를 마지막 업무라 생각하여 최선을 (다하고자) 합니다.
Pause the video and read this thrice to announce your determination.
Before I announce the homework, I will give you today’s saying. You can find today’s grammar.
해내고 말겠다는 강인한 의지를 가지고 열망해라
성공은 그러한 의지에서 비롯된다.
Be ambitious and have a strong will to make it happen.
Success comes from that will.
Wow!! Such a powerful sentence!! I love it!!
You can understand the nuance of 해내고 말겠다 from this sentence, right?
Now, I will announce today’s homework! There are two parts to the homework. First, please make three sentences using today’s grammar.
To begin with, please make a sentence using -기(를) 바라다, “hope / wish to do.”
For example,
착석해 주시기 바랍니다.
Please be seated.
That’s great! As you see, you will use this grammar when you ask something in a public setting.
Second, please make a sentence using 고 말겠다 “will definitely do.”
For example,
언젠가는 꼭 한국 유학을 가고 말겠어요.
Someday, I will definitely study in Korea.
Study abroad in Korea! I highly recommend it!
Third, please use 고자 “want to / would like to.”
For example,
업무를 개선하고자 하는 자세가 중요합니다.
It is important to have an attitude to improve your work.
The second homework is to memorize new words. Please memorize the forty words from number 2041 to number 2080 on page 26 in the intermediate vocabulary list. There is a vocabulary quiz on the forty words on my website, so feel free to try it. The link is in the description box.
That’s all! Great job for today! You are excellent students! Please be confident in using Korean. You can do it, for sure! I am cheering for you!
그럼 오늘도 행복 가득, 웃음 가득한 하루 되세요! 한국어 화이팅, 화이팅, 화이팅!!