안녕하세요! 토미입니다!
Let’s have fun studying Korean!
Today’s grammar is, first, -(이)야말로 “that very thing,” second, -에 관해(서) “regarding / about,” and third, -다니 “it is surprising that / I cannot believe that.”
Once you learn today’s grammar, you can say
그 선수가 시합에 졌다니 어찌 된 일이야…
How is it possible that this player lost the game…
By learning this surprising expression, you can pass TOPIK II Level 4 and become an intermediate master!
You will achieve this goal for sure!
그럼 시작할게요!
The first grammar is, -(이)야말로 “that very thing.”
You can emphasize that the preceding noun is the most important thing among others.
In a sentence, you attach -(이)야말로 after nouns. Therefore, the formula will be Nouns + (이)야 말로. You attach -야말로 to words that do not have a final consonant and -이야말로 to words with a final consonant.
For example, 아이 a “child” has no final consonant. Thus, you attach -야말로 to make 아이야말로 “that very child.”
선생님, a “teacher” has a final consonant. Thus, you attach -이야말로 to make 선생님이야말로 “that very teacher.”
Then, let’s read a sample sentence where you have been looking for something.
그거야말로 내가 찾던 물건이다.
This is the very thing I have been looking for.
Finding the item that meets your needs makes you very happy!
To explain a grammatical point, 그거 means “this.” Since 그거 does not have a final consonant, you attach 야말로 to make 그거야말로 “this is the very thing”
Next, let’s read a sample sentence where you express determination!
이번에야말로 범인을 놓치지 않겠다.
This very time, I will not let the criminal escape.
You might see this sentence in a police drama where a detective is determined to find a criminal! Here,이번에 means “this time.” You attach -야말로 to make 이번에야말로 “this very time.”
For your information, 이번에, “this time,” has a participle “에.” Previously, I said you attach -이야말로 to nouns. But 이번에 “this time” is a rare case that you can attach -야말로 to a particle.
The following sample sentence might make you happy when someone tells you this. Let’s read it!
그야말로 우리 회사에 필요한 사람이다.
He is the person that our company needs the most.
I would love to be evaluated like this. Here, 그 means “he.” You attach 야말로 to make 그야말로, “he is the very person.”
By emphasizing 그 “he,” this sentence expresses that “he” is a key person who does a good job in this company.
Now, let’s deepen our understanding of -(이)야말로 with some quizzes. Which one is the correct answer?
내 ( ) 이 계획이 실패한 원인이다.
My carelessness is the very reason why this plan failed.
(1)부주의야말로 (2)부주의이야말로
The correct answer is number one. Here, 부주의 means “carelessness.” Since it does not have a final consonant, you attach, -야말로.
Number two, 부주의이야말로, is wrong because you use -이야말로 to words with a final consonant. Then, let’s re-read the sentence!
내 (부주의야말로)이 계획이 실패한 원인이다.
Please read this sentence at least three times with deep regret. Then, let’s try the following quiz!
( ) 내 청춘이었다.
That period was that very time of my youth.
(1)그때이야말로 (2)그때야말로
The correct answer is number two. 그때 means “that time.” Since it does not have a final consonant, you use -야말로. Thus, it becomes 그때야말로, “that very time.”
“Hey! Teacher, why do you translate 그때 as ‘that time?’’ Isn’t it “this time?”
Great question. When you want to look back at the past, you use 그때 rather than 저때. I know that this is confusing, but please remember this exception.
OK? By the way, number one 그때이야말로 is wrong because this is the wrong conjugation.
Then, let’s read the sentence again!
그때야말로 내 청춘이었다.
Please read this sentence at least three times with a sense of nostalgia.
-에 관해(서)
The second grammar is -에 관해(서) “regarding / about.”
This grammar is made from the verb, 관하다, “regarding,” and -아/어서 “because/so.”
Altogether, it means 관해서 “regarding.”
-에 대해(서), “regarding” is a similar expression.
There is not much difference between these two. Therefore, you can interchangeably use these. However, 에 관해(서) sounds more formal than 에 대해서.
For example,
전문직에 관해서 쓴 책 (〇)
전문직에 대해서 쓴 책 (〇)
A book written about professions
Both are correct sentences, but 전문직에 관해서 쓴 책 sounds more formal.
Thus the formula will be Nouns +에 관해(서). You attach -에 관해(서) after nouns regardless of whether a noun has a final consonant or not.
For example, 이 문제 “this issue” becomes 이 문제에 관해서 “about this issue.”
이 사건 “this case” becomes 이 사건에 관해서 “about this case.” Crystal Clear?
Now, let’s read a sample sentence.
저는 골프에 관해서는 잘 모릅니다.
I don’t know much about golf.
Here, 골프 means “golf.” You attach, 에 관해서는 to make 골프에 관해서는, “about golf.”
In this sentence, 에 관해서는 “regarding” has, 는, the topic marker. By saying 관해서는, you can emphasize the meaning of “about.”
The following sentence is very formal. Let’s read it!
세계 경제에 관해 제가 해설하겠습니다.
Regarding the world economy, I will explain.
This is a short and professional sentence. Here, 세계 경제 means “world economy.” You attach 에 관해 to the noun to make 세계 경제에 관해, “regarding the world economy.”
This sentence does not have 서. But it doesn’t make much of a difference. So, you can say either. Let’s read the following sample sentence.
그 사건에 관해 국민들은 큰 관심을 가지고 있어요.
People have a great interest in that case.
Some cases attract many people’s interest.
To explain the grammar, 그 사건 means, “that case.” You attach 에 관해 to make 그 사건에 관해 “regarding that case.”
Then, let’s deepen our understanding with some quizzes. Which one is the correct answer?
나는 한국 ( ) 관해서 많이 아는 편이다.
I know a lot about Korean literature.
(1)문학에 (2)문학을
The correct answer is number one. The participle 에 comes before 관해서. So, 한국 문학에 관해서 “about the Korean literature” is the correct answer.
Number two 문학을 is the wrong particle. So, don’t choose it next time!
Now, let’s read the sentence again!
나는 한국 문학에 관해서 많이 아는 편이다.
Please read it as if you were sharing an area you are interested in.
Let’s try the next quiz!
그 내용에 ( ) 몇 가지 질문을 하겠습니다.
Regarding the subject, I will ask some questions.
(1)관한 (2)관해
This sentence sounds like what a journalist would use at a press conference. The correct answer is number two. You add -에 관해 to a noun to make 내용에 관해 “regarding the subject.”
Number one is wrong because -에 관한 means “related to.” You can use this grammar to modify a noun. For example, 경제에 관한 책 means “a book related to the economy.”
Then, let’s read the sentence again!
그 내용에 관해 몇 가지 질문을 하겠습니다.
Please read this sentence as if you were a sharp journalist.
The last grammar is -다니 “It is surprising that / I cannot believe that.”
This grammar expresses surprise, discontentment, or disbelief about another person’s words. Speakers can show their feelings, like surprise or disbelief, while repeating important information.
You can use -다니 either in the middle or the end of a sentence.
For example, you can say,
그가 비밀을 말했다니 믿기지 않는다.
I can’t believe that he told the secret.
Here, 다니 is used in the middle of a sentence. But at the same time, you can also say like
그가 비밀을 말했다니…
He told the secret…
In this sentence, -다니 is used at the end to express disbelief. The speaker did not say “I cannot believe” literally. But since -다니 implies “I cannot believe,” you can translate it as “I cannot believe.” Do you get it?
Regarding conjugation, you can use this grammar with verbs and adjectives! This grammar is an all-rounder!
Thus, it will be verbs/adjectives + 다니.
For example, 가다 will be 가다니 “I cannot believe that (I) go.” 먹다 will be 먹다니 “I cannot believe that (I) eat.”
When you use this with a noun, you use -(이)라니.
If the word has a final consonant, you use -이라니. If not, you use -라니.
Then, let’s read a sample sentence to see what the speaker is surprised at.
그가 회사를 그만두겠다니…
It is surprising that he intends to quit the job.
You can see the speaker unintentionally expressing his surprise aloud.
Here, 그만두겠다 means, “to intend to quit.” You attach, -다니 to the verb stem to make 그만두겠다니, “it is surprising that he intends to quit (the job).”
In addition, let’s pay attention to 그만두겠다. 그만두다 means “to quit.” You add 겠, which has the meaning of intention, to make 그만두겠다, “to intend to quit.”
Additionally, please note there are no words after, 그만두겠다니, “it is surprising that (he) intends to quit.” It is common for a sentence to be incomplete after using the phrase.
Now, let’s read the following surprising sample sentence!
세상에! 이런 일이 있다니.
No way! It is surprising that such a thing could happen.
Here, 있다 means, “to exist.” You attach, -다니 to make 있다니 “it is surprising that (such a thing) could happen.”
In this case, there are no words after 있다니. It conveys the speaker’s surprise about the situation, leaving the rest of the sentence silent and incomplete.
Additionally, 세상에 means “in the world.” But you can also use it to express a surprise. In this case, the meaning will be “No way!”
Next, let’s check how you use this grammar with an adjective.
이번달 용돈이 부족하다니… 용돈을 뭐에다 쓰는 거야?
I can’t believe this month’s pocket money is not enough. What are you spending your pocket money on?
Here, 부족하다 means “not to be enough.” You attach -다니 to the verb stem to make 부족하다니 “I can’t believe (it) is not enough.”
For the following sentence, I will give you an example of a noun.
벌써 7월이라니… 시간 가는 건 정말 빠르네요.
I cannot believe it’s already July… Time flies so fast.
In this sentence, 7월 means “July.” Since it has a final consonant, you attach 이라니 to make 7월이라니 “I cannot believe it’s July.”
Then, let’s deepen our understanding with some quizzes. Which one is the correct answer?
내가 ( ) 아직도 못 믿겠다.
I still can’t believe that I succeeded.
(1)성공했다니 (2)성공이라니
The correct answer is number one, 성공했다니.
Here, 성공하다 means “to succeed.” The past tense of 성공하다 is 성공했다 “to have succeed.” You attach 다니 to the stem to make 성공했다니 “(I can’t believe that) I succeeded.”
Number two, 성공이라니, is wrong because it is a noun. It will be “I am a success,” which sounds very awkward.
Then, let’s read the sentence together!
내가 (성공했다니) 아직도 못 믿겠다.
I wish I could say this in the future! Then, let’s try the following quiz!
내 아들이 그런 짓을( )…실망이다.
I can’t believe that my son did such a thing…I’m disappointed.
(1)하다니 (2)했다니
The correct answer is number two. We have no idea what the son did, but this sample sentence sounds painful.
Here, 했다 means “did.” You add -다니 to the verb stem to make 했다니, “can’t believe (that my son) did.”
Number one is wrong because 하다니, “that fact that (sub) does,” is the present tense. It is different from the translation. Now, let’s re-read the sentence!
내 아들이 그런 짓을 (했다니) …실망이다.
Please read this sentence at least three times with the feelings of a mother’s disappointment.
Well then, I will tell you what today says! You can spot today’s grammar!
결정을 내리지 않는 것이야말로 최대의 해악이다.
Not making a decision is the most significant harm.
Rene Descartes
That’s so true!! It’s better to make a decision rather than postpone it.
Now, I will announce the homework for today!
There are two parts to the homework.
Let’s make three sentences using today’s grammar for the first part.
First, try to make a sentence using -(이)야말로 “that very thing.”
For example, if you have an idol who you love, you can say like,
내 최애야말로 내가 사는 이유다.
That idol is the very reason I live.
Second, try to make a formal sentence using -에 관해(서) “regarding / about.”
For example,
일본 경제에 관해서 많이 공부해야 한다.
I have to learn a lot about the Japanese economy.
Finally, try to make a sentence using -다니: “It is surprising that / I cannot believe that.”
For example,
그녀가 결혼했다니! 믿기지 않는다!
She got married! I can’t believe it!
I am looking forward to reading what you are surprised at.
The second part of the homework is to memorize new words.
Please memorize the forty words from number 2201 to number 2240 on page 28 of the intermediate vocabulary list. My website has a vocabulary quiz of forty words, so feel free to try it. The link is in the description box.
That’s all for today! Great job, everyone! I am cheering for your infinite growth!
그럼 오늘도 행복 가득, 웃음 가득한 하루 되세요! 한국어 화이팅, 화이팅, 화이팅!!